AQUARIO Neo Solution 300ml (With Pump) / 1000ml(Without Pump) - Solution 1 / Solution 2 / Solution Fe / Solution K

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AQUARIO Neo Solution 300ml (With Pump) / 1000ml(Without Pump) - Solution 1 / Solution 2 / Solution Fe / Solution K


Solution 1

  • Liquid combination fertiliser
  • With N, K, Mg and P
  • For fast plant growth
  • Prevents deficiency symptoms
  • Not suitable for shrimp breeding tanks


Solution 1 is dosed directly into the aquarium every 3 days. One pump lift corresponds to 1 ml. Fertilisation is started not earlier than 30 days after restarting the aquarium. For permanent maintainance of the plant aquarium, 2 ml of Solution 1 per 20 l of aquarium water are added to the tank.
The dosage is only a guide value and can be altered depending on the aquarium in order to obtain optimum values. However, a water change of 30 - 50% should be carried out weekly to prevent individual nutrients from accumulating in the tank.

Dosage Every 3 days
Aquarium maintainance 1 ml per 20 l water
For fast plant growth 3 ml per 20 l water*
Low light plant aquarium 1 ml per 20 l water
Colour formation and balanced growth 2 ml per 20 l water

*Regular water change required
The stated dosages refer to a supplementary application of Neo Solution 2, Neo Solution Fe and Neo Solution K according to their dosage recommendations.


Shake the bottle well before use.
If algae problems occur, the amount of fertiliser should be reduced and the water should be changed regularly. Algae-eating animals such as Yamato shrimp also help to reduce increased algae growth.
Keep out of reach of children.



Solution 2

    • Liquid micronutrient combination fertiliser
    • Contains Fe, B, Mo, Ca
    • Prevents leaf chlorosis due to iron deficiency
    • Not suitable for shrimp breeding tanks


    Neo Solution 2 is dosed directly into the aquarium every 3 days. One pump stroke corresponds to 1 ml. Fertilisation is started at the earliest 30 days after the aquarium has been (re)started. For permanent maintenance of the plant aquarium, 2 ml Neo Solution 2 per 20 l aquarium water are added to the tank.
    The dosage is only a guide value and can be lowered or increased depending on the aquarium in order to obtain optimum values. A weekly water change of 30 - 50 % should be carried out so that individual nutrients that are not converted do not accumulate in the tank.

    Dosage Every 3 days
    Aquarium maintenance 2 ml per 20 l water
    For fast plant growth 1 ml per 20 l water *
    Low light plant aquarium 2 ml per 20 l water
    Colour formation and balanced growth 3 ml per 20 l water

    *Regular water change required
    The stated dosages refer to a supplementary application of Neo Solution 1, Neo Solution Fe and Neo Solution K according to their respective dosage recommendations.


    Shake the bottle well before use.
    If algae problems occur, the amount of fertiliser should be reduced and the water should be changed regularly. Algae-eating animals such as Yamato shrimp also help to reduce increased algae growth.
    Keep out of reach of children.



    Solution Fe

    • Liquid single nutrient fertiliser
    • Specific supply of iron
    • Prevents leaf chlorosis
    • Strengthens the colour of red aquatic plants
    • Not suitable for shrimp breeding tanks


    Solution Fe is dosed directly into the aquarium every 3 days. One pump lift corresponds to 1 ml. Fertilisation is started not earlier than 30 days after restarting the aquarium. For permanent maintainance of the plant aquarium, 2 ml of Solution Fe per 20 l of aquarium water are added to the tank.
    The dosage is only a guide value and can be altered depending on the aquarium in order to obtain optimum values. However, a water change of 30 - 50% should be carried out weekly to prevent individual nutrients from accumulating in the tank.

    Dosage Every 3 days
    Aquarium maintainance 1 ml per 20 l water
    For fast plant growth 3 ml per 20 l water*
    Low light plant aquarium 1 ml per 20 l water
    Colour formation and balanced growth 2 ml per 20 l water

    * Regular water change required
    The stated dosages refer to a supplementary application of Neo Solution 1, Neo Solution 2 and Neo Solution K according to their dosage recommendations.


    Shake the bottle well before use.
    If algae problems occur, the amount of fertiliser should be reduced and the water should be changed regularly. Algae-eating animals such as Yamato shrimp also help to reduce increased algae growth.
    Keep out of reach of children.


    Solution K

    • Liquid single nutrient fertiliser
    • Supplies aquatic plants with potassium
    • Supports the photosynthesis of plants
    • Prevents leaf necrosis


    Neo Solution K is dosed directly into the aquarium every 3 days. One pump stroke corresponds to 1 ml. Fertilisation is started at the earliest 30 days after the aquarium has been (re)started. For permanent maintenance of the plant aquarium, 2 ml Neo Solution K per 20 l aquarium water are added to the tank.
    The dosage is only a guide value and can be lowered or increased depending on the aquarium in order to obtain optimum values. A weekly water change of 30 - 50 % should be carried out so that individual nutrients that are not converted do not accumulate in the tank.

    Dosage Every 3 days
    Aquarium maintenance 2 ml per 20 l water
    For fast plant growth 1 ml per 20 l water *
    Low light plant aquarium 2 ml per 20 l water
    Colour formation and balanced growth 3 ml per 20 l water

    *Regular water change required
    The stated dosages refer to a supplementary application of Neo Solution 1, Neo Solution 2 and Neo Solution Fe according to their respective dosage recommendations.


    Shake the bottle well before use.
    If algae problems occur, the amount of fertiliser should be reduced and the water should be changed regularly. Algae-eating animals such as Yamato shrimp also help to reduce increased algae growth.
    Keep out of reach of children.