DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD MATRINE contains the valuable alkaloids matrine and oxymatrine from the plant Sophora flavescens (Chinese: “Ku Shen”).
DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD MATRINE is a valuable component of the BASSLEER-ANTI-ICH-METHOD. It acts as a repellent and ensures that parasites such as Ichthyophthirius or Cryptocarionwill fall off from the fish and then floating freely in the aquarium can be better detected by a medicinal treatment.
DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD MATRINE is offered in the different granulate sizes M, L, XL and XXL. The granulates in smaller pellet size M sink slowly, thus providing nutrients to all three water zones. This gives surface feeders, fish in the middle zone as well as bottom feeders alike a fresh and balanced diet.
For Fresh and Marine Water
Complete food for ornamental fish, reg. no. PET6237
Composition: Fish and fish derivatives, cereals, crustaceans, derivatives of vegetable origin, yeast, Sophora flavescens 2 % (matrine/oxymatrine)
Additives: Dietary physiological additives per kg: Vitamin A 7,500 IU, vitamin C 1,000 mg, vitamin D3 800 IU, vitamin E 400 mg, Astaxanthin 5 mg | Trace elements per kg: Zincsulfate monohydrate 110 mg, Manganesesulfate monohydrate 16 mg, Coppersulfate pentahydrate 2 mg, Iodate calcium 1.2 mg | Antioxidants | Zootechnical additives per kg: Probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici 3,000 CFU/mg
Ingredients: Crude protein 54 %, crude oils and fats 16 %, crude ash 10 %, crude fiber 6 %
Guaranteed free of artificial colors
Complete food for ornamental fish, reg. no. PET6237
Composition: Fish and fish derivatives, cereals, crustaceans, derivatives of vegetable origin, yeast, Sophora flavescens 2 % (matrine/oxymatrine)
Additives: Dietary physiological additives per kg: Vitamin A 15,000 IU, vitamin D3 800 IU, vitamin E 300 mg, vitamin C 200 mg | Trace elements per kg: Zinc oxide 75 mg, Manganese oxide 12 mg, Coppersulfate pentahydrate 4.1 mg, Iodate calcium 1.8 mg | Antioxidants | Zootechnical additives per kg: Probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici 2,000 CFU/mg
Ingredients: Crude protein 47 %, crude oils and fats 18 %, crude ash 10 %, crude fiber 4 %
Guaranteed free of artificial colors

Use the DR. BASSLEER ANTI-ICH-METHODE to control Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (fresh water “white-spot”) and Cryptocaryon irritans (“marine ich”). Can be done in reef tanks, if you use PROTOMOR. This method is also effective against the “New White Spot” Neoichthyophthirius schlotfeldti.
- Use FAUNAMOR or PROTOMOR (reef safe) according to instruction. Juvenile ICH parasite is damaged or killed. – For the “New White Spot” Neoichthyophthirius schlotfeldti add 3 – 5 g/l salt (depending on fish species).
- Feed DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD MATRINE during the medicinal treatment for 7 days. Fresh water white spot (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) and marine ICH (Cryptocaryon irritans) will be cured after these 7 days.
- If infected by the “New White Spot” Ichthyophthirius schlotfeldti, continue to feed DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD MATRINE for 10 – 30 days. Adult ICH trophont will drop from fish and ICH tomite (“baby Ichthyophthirius”) will not attach to fish.
- Increase temperature by 2 – 3 °C (to 26 – 28 °C if suitable for kept fish – for Discus: 30 – 33 °C). Ensure high oxygen levels.
- Increase efficiency of filtration by higher flow. Use a fine physical filter (< 300 µm) and UV-light to collect and kill ICH parasites. Regular filter cleaning. Exhaust suction should be 5 cm from the bottom of the aquarium to collect ICH tomont.
- Siphoning bottom of aquarium 2 x per day (morning and evening) to remove ICH tomonts and young ICH parasites.
- 24 hours light will decrease the development of ICH tomites. Warning: Some invertebrates do not tolerate continuous light.